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Exchange cards with other users

If you want to exchange cards with other Uptrip users, you came to the right place. Before start doing that, you need to create a crypto wallet, connect it to Uptrip and mint the desired cards as NFTs. If you haven't done any of these actions and you need help you can check the tutorials we already created:

Create a crypto wallet

Connect your crypto wallet

Minting your Uptrip cards

This tutorial is done for the Metamask wallet. If you need help with another wallet provider send us an email to and we will do the best we can to help you!

Step 0: Retrieve each other's Public Address

Before you start the process please note each other's Public Address. You can find it on your Metamask Wallet after "Address". Just click on the button next to it and you can clip it to your copyboard.

Step 1: Sending cards to another user

To start, you need to import the card to your own Metamask wallet. To do that, open the app, open the tab "NFTs" and click on "Import NFTs". Now you will need the Address and the collectible ID. Let's use an example to explain how you get this information:


When you mint a card, on the back there is the Token ID. This is the same as collectible ID. Now you only need the Address of the token.

Simply click on the Token ID link it will open a page on Polygonscan. Scroll down and you will find the Token Contract. click on the button next to the Token contract and it will copy it to the clipboard. Click on "Import" and the NFT will appear on your account now.

token_contract.PNG import_NFT.PNG NFT_imported.PNG

The final step is to actually send the NFT to another person! Just click on the card, press "Send", add the Public Address of the other user, confirm the transaction and the gas fees (as a reference, each transaction is around 0.02 MATIC = 0.014 EUR as of 30.11.2023).

And that's it!

Step 2: Receiving cards from another user

To receive the cards from another user there is nothing you need to do. After the transfer is completed the cards will show up on Uptrip!
