The first step to connect your crypto wallet is to go to your Profile on Uptrip and click on "Connect wallet". Then click again on "Connect Wallet".
Don't forget that you need to add & select the Polygon Main Network in your wallet, before connecting.
After you click on "Connect Wallet" you will see that you can connect to three different wallets: Metamask, Trust and Rainbow. For this tutorial we will use Metamask wallet.
Make sure that you have the Polygon Main Network selected on your wallet. If that's not the case, please do it before proceeding to the connection with Uptrip.
After you choose you will be redirected to the Metamask app and asked to confirm if you want to connect Uptrip to your wallet. You will then be asked again to Sign the message which means that you are the one initiating the connection.
After you Sign the transaction you will be forwarded to the Uptrip app. If the connection is successful, you will see a confirmation message. and then you will see the wallet connected to your account.
Sometimes the connection can give an error. If that's the case, please restart the process by restarting both the Uptrip and Metamask apps.
If you confirm the connection in MetaMask, and see a spinning icon in Uptrip but nothing happens open MetaMask again. You should see a 2. message to be confirmed, confirm it
Open Uptrip again Wallet should be connected
Congratulations! You just connected your crypto wallet to your Uptrip account!