Now that you have your wallet connected you can mint your cards on the blockchain. To do that, go to your profile and click on "Transfer on chain".
You will now see all your available Uptrip cards. Just select the ones you want to mint and "Confirm selection". Before proceeding with the process you can see how many MATIC you have available in your wallet for the transaction.
Now you will be transferred to MetaMask. You will have an overview of the fees you need to pay for the transaction and you need to confirm before proceeding.
In the example, to mint 4 cards you need 0.000334 MATIC which is less than 0.01€ on 30.08.2023.
After you confirm, you return to the Uptrip app and wait for the transaction to be completed. And that's it!
You can now see the cards that you have minted on blockchain with the Polygon logo.
If you want to see the cards on the Polygon blockchain you can simply click on a card, tap to flip it and if you click on Token ID you will more details about the card on Polygon.