SIXT rent Voucher

When you redeem SIXT voucher there are some things to keep in mind regarding the terms of this reward:

- Vouchers can only be redeemed in the so-called SIXT corporate countries. In addition to Germany, these include the following countries: Austria, Switzerland, Belgium, the Netherlands, Luxembourg, France, Italy, Spain, the United Kingdom, the USA, and Canada.

- Once you have received the voucher code, redeem it via

- The voucher must be entered in the designated field during the payment process. If the total gross rental amount is less than the value of the voucher, the remaining balance will be forfeited.

- Only one voucher can be redeemed per rental, and the voucher cannot be combined with other vouchers, prepaid rates, or corporate rates.

- Modifying a booking made using the voucher is not possible.

- The vouchers are valid for a rental with SIXT until the end of the promotional period, July 31, 2025.

- Cash payment of the voucher value is not possible.

If you need further information, please visit or contact us at